From time to time, an undocumented one-of-a-kind or long forgotten record pops up out of the blue.
Here is a place to show off the most recent discovery of the kind for the first time [official 7" only format].
Leave no stone unturned! Let the world know about an unusual nugget you've just found, send full details here.

When Decca decided to issue 'Street Fighting Man' on a 7" for the first time in the UK in 1971, the track is already 3 years old, so they marketed it under the form of a 3-track EP [F 13195] turning at 33⅓ rpm along with 'Everybody Needs Somebody To Love' and 'Surprise, Surprise'.
The EP was also then distributed in Holland within an exclusive Dutch PS.
Simultaneously, 2 rare single versions were produced at the time by Decca UK: the first with
'Surprise, Surprise' on the flip side for inland jukebox purposes [F 13203], the other backed with 'Everybody Needs Somebody To Love' [F 13204] intended for an exclusive distribution in Sweden under a local scarce and famous 'riot sleeve' incidentally spelling the track 'Everybody Needs Someone To Love'.
The latter is extremely sought after and actually rarer than the Danish 'riot' PS from 1968, but what makes it even more special is that its B-side, usually turning at 33⅓ rpm can also turn at 45 rpm!
The 33⅓ rpm initial speed is probably due to the inheritance from the EP F13195, and was apparently later corrected to 45 rpm for the last run.
The same oddity happened with the EP whom a few B-sides happens to turn at 45rpm instead of 33⅓! [documented before here]. Since labels are identical, refer to the matrix number in the runout: the 45 rpm version has a matrix number starting by '45-' [45-ZXDR-34769-T1-1K].
Estimated value : 600 €