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CDRom & design of Stones7.com - 2000-2010

A collector in itself, only 100 copies of the Stones7.com CDRom were pressed
Version 1 - created in 2000 and displaying in a fixed-width window, as its CDRom counterpart - closed down by the end of 2011 [note that the old CDRom version from 2002 solely works on Windows with old browsers enabling the Flash plugin].

In 2015, code & design were entirely revised for version 2 to fit with desktops and the new HTML5 standards.


Conception, design & graphics, realisation, content research and compilation: Tim Catinat © 2000-2024

Thanks to my friends whom support has been essential in this project.
Special thanks to Erwin Bekker, Thomas Hess, Peter Hinds, Trevor Holst, Harald Leiste, Mondo, Vanni Musio, Philippe Odent, Michael Price, Marie L. Scott, Johan Van Breeden and Jan Waage.

Covers listings in the songs section re-compiled with kind permission from original compilers Jens Backlund, Blaine Baker, and Nico Zentgraf who also have been doing a great job.

I wish to thank all the Wikipedia's contributors, a beautiful source of knowledge which was used many times for the songs' history.

The Rolling Stones' "Tongue & Lip" design - originally created by John Pasche - is a registered trademark of Musidor B.V. The 'nude woman with a scarf' from the pixerama section was extracted from an original artwork by David Byrd. 'Boys' talking below by Charlie Watts.

Copyright Charlie Watts - all rights reservedA big THANK YOU to all members. Your continued interest has been making Stones7.com alive for more than 2 decades now - which is exceptional for a website - and keeps up encouraging me to bring you the best content and browsing experience with constant - almost daily - updates.

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