Without aiming at exhaustivity, listings concentrate on a selection of significantly different artworks or tracklistings.
Mick Jagger, with 4 solo albums and various soundtracks collaborations [since 'Memo From Turner' in 1970], offer an important singles discography which found many artwork variations worldwide.
The few and excellent Keith Richards solo efforts [2 studio albums + 1 live] on top of his 1979 debut single 'Run Rudolph Run', produced a nice range of sleeves as well.
Ron Wood [also ex-Birds and ex-Faces] has been pro-active on the solo side since his first album 'I've Got My Own Album To Do' in 1974.
With many productions and solo adventures [including soundtracks], Bill Wyman solo career was a reality long before he quitted the band and formed his still active band the Rhythm Kings.
Jazz lover in the first place, Charlie Watts found time to record a few albums on his own, with quintet and friends [although the music was not suited for singles, some promo CDS were issued].
Mick Taylor has been knowing ups and downs since he left the boys in 1974 but has never stopped recording and touring since his 'Leather Jacket' debut solo LP in 1979.
Ian Stewart - the 'sixth member' - had a single produced by Bill Wyman in 1966.
Nicky Hopkins, the pianist who declined the offer to join the band in 1969, also produced a few solo albums and singles.
Ian McLagan was very close to the band [and Ron Wood] during the 70's, up to the New Barbarians, and recorded several solo albums on his own.
Keith Richards' partner in crime and saxo legend Bobby Keys also had his go in 1975 with a rare single on the Ringo Starr's label.
The late Brian Jones unfortunately did not have the time to achieve solo efforts beyond his 'Brian Jones Presents The Pipes Of Pan At Joujouka' production project [from which no singles were extracted] - yet selected extracts from the original soundtrack of "A Degree Of Murder" composed and played by himself & friends found their way on a 7" in... 2022!
Beside their strict solo activities, all the Rolling Stones members have been getting more or less involved into other artists projects, producing, helping friends, playing live, etc. Visit the Complete Works database of Nico Zentgraf for more info.