Collectors bag
Your current collectors bag is empty.
Use the
Collectors bag's tool to view personal lists of items [up to 100 items per list] which you can then bookmark, email friends, and, if you are a member of, save, and rework later, as well as download.
Note that the Collectors bag's tool is independent from the member-only ability to now build up their own collection and want lists ! More info*.
How to build a list ?
while browsing on the site, click on the
sign next to a specific record to add it to the bag.
The sign changes for[enabling deletion] and the number of records present in the bag is displayed at the top of the page.
How to view / open a list ?
- click on the
sign at the top right of the page, then click on the name of your list or on the link 'view'.
How to edit / update a list ?
- First* open one of your lists by following the step above.
- then browse the site and add items to your list by clicking on the
sign next to a specific record.
Any record you add or remove alter temporarily your currently opened list but if you [member only] wish to definitely update such list you need to click on thesign at the top right of the page, then validate the 'GO' button from the 'update / replace' line.
* always open first a list to apply changes to it [if you browse records first, you will not be able to add these to an existing list].
non-members should bookmark their lists as they cannot be saved otherwise.
each access to an existing list empties the current collectors bag to fill it with such list's items.