The word 'bootleg' originates from the practice of smuggling illicit items in the legs of tall boots, particularly the smuggling of alcohol during the American Prohibition era.
This term has become an umbrella term for illicit, unofficial, or unlicenced recordings, including vinyl LPs, bootleg silver CDs, or any other commercially sold bootlegged media or material.

Since their first ever bootleg live album 'Liver Than You'll Ever Be' in 1969 on Lurch Records, the Rolling Stones have been one the most bootlegged band in the world.
Thousands of different bootlegs exist on the band [not to be confounded with fakes].
This comprehensive and detailed A-Z listing of the existing bootlegs on 7" by the band [no V/A compilations] has been compiled from various publications and collectors' inputs since 2000 and has been regularly updated since.

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