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Record details | 8 records match this title

Artist Don Covay
Title Super Dude 1
  1. Overtime Man [Don Covay]
    recorded by Don Covay in 1972
  2. Leave Him (Part 1) [Don Covay]
    recorded by Don Covay in 1973
  3. I Stayed Away Too Long [Don Covay]
    recorded by Don Covay in 1973
  4. I Was Checkin' Out She Was Checkin' In [Don Covay]
    recorded by Don Covay in 1973
    highest US charts position : 29
    highest US R&B charts position : 6
  5. Hold You To Your Promise [Don Covay]
    recorded by Don Covay in 1973
  6. Memphis [Chuck Berry]
    recorded by Don Covay in 1973
  7. The Pinch Hitters [Don Covay]
    recorded by Don Covay in 1973
  8. Somebody's Been Enjoying My Home [Eve Darby, L. Scott]
    recorded by Don Covay in 1973
    highest US R&B charts position : 63
  9. Bad Mouthing [Eve Darby, N. Jean]
    recorded by Don Covay in 1973
  10. Leave Him (Part 2) [Don Covay]
    recorded by Don Covay in 1973
  11. Money (That's What I Want) [Janie Bradford, Berry Gordy, Jr.]
    recorded by Don Covay in 1973
  12. Don't Step On A Man When He's Down [Don Covay, H.B. Hall]
    recorded by Don Covay in 1973
Record label / Publisher Mercury SRM-1-653
Format LP
Country & year of release Country of origin: USA USA, 1973
Description labels w/ a full circle of 12 Mercury logos
Don Covay - Super Dude 1 - Mercury SRM-1-653 USA LP

Don Covay - Super Dude 1 - Mercury SRM-1-653 USA LP

Don Covay - Super Dude 1 - Mercury SRM-1-653 USA LP