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Record details | 11 records match this title

Artist Don Covay
Title Shake Wid The Shake
  1. Shake Wid The Shake [Don Covay, John Berry]
    available on the compilation album 'Rockin' And Doowoppin' (The Early Years)'
    recorded by Don Covay and The Goodtimers in 1961
  2. Every Which A-Way [Don Covay, John Berry]
    available on the compilation album 'Rockin' And Doowoppin' (The Early Years)'
    recorded by Don Covay and The Goodtimers in 1961
Origin / format from USA USA, 1961 • 7" CS - Columbia 4-41981
Description Red labels (stock copy) - thin lettering
Don Covay - Shake Wid The Shake - Columbia 4-41981 USA 7" CS

Don Covay - Shake Wid The Shake - Columbia 4-41981 USA 7" CS

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