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Record details | 48 records match this title

Artist Don Covay and The Goodtimers
Title Mercy Mercy
  1. Mercy Mercy [Don Covay, Ronald Miller]
    from the original album 'Mercy!'
    recorded by Don Covay and The Goodtimers in 1964
    highest US charts position : 35
    highest US R&B charts position : 1
  2. Can't Stay Away [Don Covay, Horace Ott]
    from the original album 'Mercy!'
    recorded by Don Covay and The Goodtimers in 1964
Record label / Publisher Rosemart 45-801
Format 7"
Country & year of release Country of origin: USA USA, 1964
Description promo white labels - no promo note, thick titles design - sans serif font - wide artist name
Don Covay and The Goodtimers - Mercy Mercy - Rosemart 45-801 USA 7"

Don Covay and The Goodtimers - Mercy Mercy - Rosemart 45-801 USA 7"

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