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Record details | 25 records match this title

Artist Don Covay and The Goodtimers
Title Pony Time
  1. Pony Time [Don Covay, John Berry]
    available on the compilation album 'Rockin' And Doowoppin' (The Early Years)'
    recorded by The Goodtimers (featuring Don Covay) in 1961
    highest US charts position : 60
  2. Love Boat [Don Covay, John Berry]
    available on the compilation album 'Rockin' And Doowoppin' (The Early Years)'
    recorded by The Goodtimers (featuring Don Covay) in 1961
Origin / format from USA USA, 1961 • 7" - Fleetwood 2001
Description 'Pony Time' is titled 'Pony Time Twist' here - promo white labels - note that 'Fleetwood Record' should be spelled 'Fleetwood Records', has the same address and look of the Arnold original labels, up to the catalogue number which is the same read backwards
Don Covay and The Goodtimers - Pony Time - Fleetwood 2001 USA 7"

Don Covay and The Goodtimers - Pony Time - Fleetwood 2001 USA 7"

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