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Artist The Waterboys / Rupert Hine
Title Island sampler
  1. The Waterboys: The Big Music
  2. The Waterboys: A Pagan Place
  3. The Waterboys: Church Not Made With Hands
  4. Rupert Hine: Blue Flame
  5. Rupert Hine: No Yellow Heart
  6. Rupert Hine: Living In Sin
Origin / format from Canada Canada, 1984 • LP - Island IPRO-1
Description promo-only mini-LP compilation in company sleeve : one side by the Waterboys, the other by Rupert Hine (3 tracks from 'The Wildest Wish To Fly' album) - wrongly labeled from year 1974!
The Waterboys / Rupert Hine - Island sampler - Island IPRO-1 Canada LP

The Waterboys / Rupert Hine - Island sampler - Island IPRO-1 Canada LP

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