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Artist The Rolling Stones (346 items by this artist)
Title 19th Nervous Breakdown (12 items match this title)
  1. 19th Nervous Breakdown
  2. Talkin' About You
Origin / format from Italy Italy, 1966 • 7" PS Decca F 22272
DescriptionYellow PS - 'BIEM' (boxed) / wide 'Regent Italia' labels
Exclusive Italian coupling
Matrices : XDRF-37398-T1-1C / ARL 6974/1 5.4.66
Artwork by Convertino
Condition (cover/record)m-/ex - sm. white sticker on rear, one light scracth preventing m-, splendid copy!
Price in € [$|£]47 €Add to bag
Picture(s)The Rolling Stones: 19th Nervous Breakdown - Decca F 22272, Italy 1966, 7" PS
All pictures are of actual items unless stated otherwise
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The Rolling Stones: 19th Nervous Breakdown, 7" PS from Italy, 1966 - Yellow PS - 'BIEM' (boxed) / wide 'Regent Italia' labels Exclusive Italian coupling  Matrices : XDRF-37398-T1-1C / ARL 6974/1 5.4.66 Artwork by Conver... - 47 € x

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