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Artist Beside (Bernard Fowler)
Title Odeon
  1. Odeon
  2. Viva G - Lisa Lee
Origin / format from France France, 1984 • 7" PS Celluloid 13.398
Descriptionfirst record feat. Bernard Fowler (later to be Rolling Stones chorist) - very funny chorus (in French)
Condition (cover/record)vg/vg - some scuffs
Price in € [$|£]5 €Add to bag
Picture(s)Beside (Bernard Fowler): Odeon - Celluloid 13.398, France 1984, 7" PS
All pictures are of actual items unless stated otherwise
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Beside (Bernard Fowler): Odeon, 7" PS from France, 1984 - first record feat. Bernard Fowler (later to be Rolling Stones chorist) - very funny chorus (in French)... - 5 € x

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