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Artist Bliss
Title Crash Into The Ocean
  1. Crash Into The Ocean
  2. Crash Into The Ocean (Acoustic Version)
  3. Something That Is Gone
  4. Love Train
Format / Label ref. CDS • Parlophone 2043712 CDR 6294
Country & release datefrom UK UK, 1991
Description1991, produced by Rupert Hine
Condition (cover/record)nm/nm
Price in € [$|£]8 €Add to bag
Picture(s)Bliss - Crash Into The Ocean - Parlophone 2043712 CDR 6294 UK CDS
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Bliss: Crash Into The Ocean, CDS from UK, 1991 - 1991, produced by Rupert Hine - CD EP c/w Acoustic Version, 'Something That Is Gone' and 'Love Train'  ... - 8 € x

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