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Artist Georgie Fame (2 items by this artist)
Title The Ballad of Bonnie and Clyde (2 items match this title)
  1. The Ballad of Bonnie and Clyde
Format / Label ref. sheet music
Country & release datefrom France France, 1969
Descriptionrare 16x16cm French lyrics sheet (no music) to be inserted into the French 7" PS of the same title - Clan Music and Tulsa, 1967
Price in € [$|£]7 €Add to bag
Picture(s)Georgie Fame - The Ballad of Bonnie and Clyde -   France sheet music
All pictures are of actual items unless stated otherwise
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Georgie Fame: The Ballad of Bonnie and Clyde, sheet music from France, 1969 - rare 16x16cm French lyrics sheet (no music) to be inserted into the French 7" PS of the same title - Clan Music and Tulsa, 1967... - 7 € x

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