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Abba: Summer Night City, 7" PS, France, 1978 - 10 € Adamo: Les Filles du Bord de Mer + 3, 7" EP, France - 8 € Johnny  Adams (Percy Mayfield): Walking on a Tightrope, CD, France - 15 € Barry Adamson: The King of Nothing Hill, CD, Europe - 18 € Adès Records sampler w/ Webern (Amy), Satie, Webern, Louis Jouvet, Jean Vilar, Groupe Des Six, Schoenberg: Disque Promotion 1968 , LP, France, 1968 - 25 € Aerosmith: Shela, 7" CS, Canada, 1985 - 10 € After the Fire: ATF, LP, USA - 8 € After the Fire: Laser Love, 7" CS, UK, 1979 - 10 € Amazing Blondel: Be So Happy, 7", UK, 1975 - 12 € Jon  Anderson (Yes): 3 Ships, LP, Germany, 1985 - 10 € Jon  Anderson (Yes): Is It Me, 7" PS, UK - 10 € Jon  Anderson (Yes): Song of Seven, LP, Germany, 1980 - 10 € The Animals: It's My Life, 7" CS, Greece, 1966 - 200 € Martin Ansell: The Englishman Abroad, LP, France, 1986 - 6 € Martin Ansell: Brilliant, 7" PS, France, 1986 - 10 € Martin Ansell: The Englishman Abroad, LP, France - 9 € Ernest Ansermet: Prokofieff / Glinka / Borodine / Moussorgsky, LP, France - 20 € Louis Armstrong: Satchmo - 50 Ans de Jazz , LP, France - 35 € Arrival: Don't Take His Love Away, 7" PS, France, 1969 - 10 € Art Ensemble of Chicago: The Spiritual, LP, France, 1972 - 30 € Art Ensemble of Chicago: Certain Blacks, LP, France - 30 € Asia: Asia, LP, Holland - 10 € Asia: Alpha, LP, France, 1983 - 10 € The Association: Goodbye Columbus, 7" CS, USA, 1969 - 15 € The Associations: Goodbye Columbus, 7", USA - 10 € Aviator: Aviator, LP, France - 12 € Kevin Ayers: The Up Song, 7", UK, 1974 - 18 € Albert Ayler: Witches and Devils, LP, France, 1967 - 30 € B52's: Planet Claire, 7", Canada, 1979 - 10 € Bach: Oratorio de Pâques - Dir: Marcel Couraud, LP, France - 12 € Bach: L'Offrande Musicale, LP, France - 25 € Bach: Cantate du Café - Amore Traditore, LP, France - 20 € Bach: Oratorio de Pâques (Easter Oratorio), LP, France - 15 € Joan Baez: Donna Donna, 7" EP, Austria - 10 € Joan Baez: On Vanguard, LP, France - 12 € Tadeusz  Baird: Tadeusz Baird, LP, France - 20 € Tony  Banks (Genesis): Banks Statement, LP, Canada - 9 € Tony  Banks (Genesis): The Fugitive, LP, Canada - 8 € Barbara: Chante Barbara, LP, France - 15 € The Beach Boys: Sloop John B, 7" PS, Holland, 1966 - 13 € The Beach Boys: It's Ok, 7" PS, France, 1976 - 10 € The Beach Boys: Sloop John B, 7" CS, USA - 10 € The Beatles: Let It Be, 7", UK, 1970 - 8 € The Beatles: Come Together , sheet music, France - 10 € The Beatles: Rock & Folk #147, mag, France - 6 € The Beatles: Juke Box #6 - 12-1985, mag, France - 15 € The Beatles: Rock & Folk #192, mag, France, 1983 - 7 € The Beatles: Help! , sheet music, France, 1965 - 10 € The Beatles: Get back, sheet music, France, 1969 - 10 € The Beatles: All You Need Is Love, 7", UK, 1967 - 12 €