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Artist Miles Davis (7 items by this artist)
Title Volume 2 (3 items match this title)
  1. Kelo (Alternate Take)
  2. Kelo
  3. Enigma (Alternate Take)
  4. Enigma
  5. Ray's Idea (Alternate Take)
  6. Ray's Idea (Alternate Take)
  7. Tempus Fugit
  8. Tempus Fugit (Alternate Take)
  9. C.T.A. (Alternate Take)
  10. C.T.A.
  11. I Waited For You
Format / Label ref. CD • Blue Note B2 7777 81502 2 0
Country & release yearfrom Canada Canada, 1990
Descriptionprinted in Canada
Condition (cover/record)m-/m-
Price in £ [|$]£ 11.05Add to bag
Picture(s)Miles Davis - Volume 2 - Blue Note B2 7777 81502 2 0 Canada CD
All pictures are of actual items unless stated otherwise
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Miles Davis: Volume 2, CD from Canada, 1990 - printed in Canada... - £ 11.05 x

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