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Artist dcBasehead
Title dcBasehead
  1. Do You Wanna Fuck (Or What)? (Kickin' That Booty Rerecording)
  2. Hair (Smack To The Head Remix)
  3. 2001 BC
  4. Can It Be ?
  5. Love Me Two Times (Live)
Format / Label ref. CDS • Fnac 74321136942
Country & release datefrom France France, 1992
Descriptionpromo-only 5-track EP cardboard sleeve - hip hop
Condition (cover/record)ex/ex - edge wear only
Price in £ [|$]£ 4.3Add to bag
Picture(s)dcBasehead - dcBasehead - Fnac 74321136942 France CDS
All pictures are of actual items unless stated otherwise
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dcBasehead: dcBasehead, CDS from France, 1992 - promo-only 5-track EP cardboard sleeve - hip hop... - £ 4.3 x

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