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Artist Johnny Desmond w/ Lawrence Welk and his Champagne Music
Title Bueno (Theme From - 'Run for the Sun')
  1. Bueno (Theme From 'Run for the Sun')
  2. A Girl Named Mary
Format / Label ref. 7" • Vogue Coral 45-Q.72207
Countryfrom UK UK
Price in £ [|$]£ 8.6Add to bag
Picture(s)Johnny Desmond w/ Lawrence Welk and his Champagne Music - Bueno (Theme From - 'Run for the Sun') - Vogue Coral 45-Q.72207 UK 7"
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Johnny Desmond w/ Lawrence Welk and his Champagne Music: Bueno (Theme From - 'Run for the Sun'), 7" from UK - £ 8.6 x

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